Spine Surgery

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Spine surgery, a medical procedure aimed at alleviating pain caused by various spinal issues, focuses on stabilizing spinal joints and vertebral bones affected by conditions such as herniated discs, spinal abnormalities, bone spurs, spinal injuries, or tumors.\

This approach is known by various names, including Endoscopic Spine Surgery (ESS), Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS), and Arthroscopic Spine Surgery. These advanced techniques minimize the impact on surrounding muscles and tissues near the spine, resulting in reduced pain and quicker recovery when compared to traditional spine surgery.

Diverse types of spine surgery are available, each tailored to specific conditions:

Cervical Disc Replacement: This procedure involves removing damaged portions or the entire disc and replacing it with either a bone graft or artificial components. It offers benefits such as improved mobility, faster recovery, enhanced function, and a reduced risk of future pain.

Discectomy: In this surgery, a segment of a herniated or bulging disc pressing on spinal nerves is removed to relieve pain and related symptoms.

Foraminotomy: Surgeons widen the space around spinal column bones during this procedure to alleviate pressure on compressed spinal nerves.

Spinal Laminectomy: This surgery involves the removal of all or part of the lamina (the bone's posterior covering of the spinal canal) to reduce spinal cord compression, often used for treating spinal stenosis.

Microdiscectomy: A minimally invasive procedure in which a surgeon removes parts of a herniated or ruptured disc to alleviate back pain.

Lumbar Discectomy: Addressing an injured disc in the lower back, this surgery includes minimally invasive arthroscopic discectomy and open spine surgery, with the latter being more common for lumbar herniated discs.

Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty: Kyphoplasty treats compression fractures using a balloon and special cement to stabilize the bone, restoring height to compressed vertebrae.

Artificial Disc Replacement: This surgery replaces a damaged or degenerated spinal disc with an artificial one, allowing continued motion at the affected level.

Spinal Fusion: In this procedure, two or more vertebrae are permanently connected to address spinal instability, scoliosis, or a herniated disc. Small screws, rods, and bone grafts facilitate fusion.

The distinction between traditional and minimally invasive spine surgery lies in their approaches:

Traditional Spine Surgery: This conventional method involves large incisions and dissecting through muscles and tissues to access the affected area. It's suitable for complex spinal issues and yields favorable outcomes, though it involves longer hospital stays, extensive tissue disruption, and larger incisions.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS): A newer technique that employs advanced instruments and specialized methods to achieve procedures with smaller incisions and minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. MISS aims to reduce postoperative pain, hasten recovery, and facilitate a quicker return to regular activities. It utilizes endoscopes and microscopes and offers advantages such as reduced blood loss, lower infection risk, and smaller scars, among others.

The choice between traditional and minimally invasive spine surgery depends on the specific condition, its severity, the patient's health, and the surgeon's expertise. Surgeons evaluate each case to determine the most suitable approach.
