Pilonidal Sinus

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A pilonidal sinus manifests as a small channel or cavity beneath the skin, often containing pus or inflamed fluid, possibly mixed with blood. This condition typically emerges in the crease of the lower back or at the upper part of the buttocks. The presence of hair or debris within the pilonidal cyst or sinus can lead to notable discomfort, characterized by intense pain and the emission of malodorous pus or bloody discharge.

Individuals engaged in sedentary professions are particularly susceptible to developing pilonidal sinus or cyst, a condition more frequently observed in men than women. This occurrence originates when hair near the upper buttock crease becomes inwardly embedded, facilitating the entry of debris. At this juncture, the situation becomes profoundly painful. In numerous instances, a pilonidal sinus evolves from an abscess.

Risk factors for Pilonidal Sinus:

  • Male sex
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle
  • Long hours of sitting
  • Excess body hair
  • Obesity



Diagnosis of pilonidal sinus is primarily accomplished through a physical examination conducted by a proctologist. The sinus manifests as a lump, swelling, or abscess at the upper buttock cleft, adjacent to the lower back. This is the draining or bleeding area associated with the sinus. While the cyst is situated at the upper buttock region, occasional blood tests may be recommended to facilitate accurate diagnosis. Typically, imaging tests are not required for pilonidal sinus cases.


Surgical intervention becomes essential when an infected pilonidal sinus causes substantial pain and discomfort, hindering routine activities. Opting for a proven and effective treatment method is crucial, and laser ablation stands as a suitable choice. The Pilonidal Sinus Laser Treatment at Care Expert boasts a noteworthy success rate and negligible risk of recurrence.

Embracing this minimally invasive laser procedure offers patients a promising solution with enduring results for pilonidal sinus. Noteworthy advantages include minimal pain, limited blood loss, and swift resolution of the condition. The laser surgery's primary objective is to thoroughly cleanse the infected region and excise the sinus pit, mitigating the likelihood of future infections.
