Rectal Prolapse

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Healthcare professionals use the term "prolapse" to describe the displacement of any body part from its normal position within the body. Rectal prolapse occurs when a portion of the rectum, which is a part of the large intestine, slips down into the anus and occasionally protrudes through it. This condition develops due to the weakening of the muscles that typically keep it in place. While it may resemble or be mistaken for hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse does not resolve on its own and requires surgical intervention for correction.

Symptoms Of Rectal Prolapse

  • A feeling of pressure or a bulge in the anus
  • A feeling like there is something left inside the anus after you poop
  • A red
  • fleshy mass hanging out of the anus
  • Leakage of poop, mucus, or blood from the anus
  • Anal pain
  • Itching

Risk factors for pilonidal sinus:

  • Male sex
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle
  • Long hours of sitting
  • Excess body hair
  • Obesity



Diagnosis For Rectal Prolapse

To diagnose rectal prolapse, your healthcare provider will review your medical history and conduct a thorough rectal examination. Additional tests may be used to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other potential issues. These tests may include:

These tests may include:

Digital Rectal Exam: This examination evaluates the lower rectum, lower abdomen, and pelvic region. It aids in detecting rectal prolapse and other medical conditions such as hemorrhoids and polyps.

Defecography: A contrast material is used in conjunction with imaging techniques like x-rays or MRI to visualize structural changes in the lower gastrointestinal tract and assess rectal muscle function.

Anorectal Manometry: This test involves inserting a flexible tube with a balloon into the anus and rectum to measure anal sphincter tightness and rectal function.

Colonoscopy: This procedure examines the large intestine and rectum for any abnormalities using a flexible tube equipped with a tiny camera.

Electromyography (EMG): EMG assesses nerve damage as a potential cause of impaired anal sphincter function and muscle coordination.

Surgery For Rectal Prolapse

Surgery is the primary method for addressing rectal prolapse and involves repositioning the rectum to its original location. The choice of surgical approach is determined by factors such as overall health, age, and the severity of the prolapse.

The two main types of rectal prolapse surgeries are:

Abdominal Surgery:  This procedure can be performed through a larger incision or using laparoscopy, which employs small incisions and a camera for visualization.

Perineal Surgery:  This option is considered when the patient is older or has underlying medical conditions. In cases where rectal prolapse is identified early, non-surgical interventions like stool softeners and manual repositioning may be recommended. However, surgery is typically the definitive solution for rectal prolapse correction.
